Success or Significance

The alarm went off at 6:50am this morning.  I don't remember it going off, but I know it did because after I hit snooze and it rang again at 6:59, then 7:08.  

Seven am comes early when you're working until 1 in the morning!  I rubbed my eyes and forced myself out of bed, against every desire in my body.  

A shower and my Psycho-Cyb exercises (by the way if you're not hip to Psycho-Cybernetics you must run over the and look for "Zero Resistance Living" on his products page.  Yes, he's a friend, no it's not an affiliate link, and as The Fabulous T-Birds said in '89...That's Powerful Stuff!), I threw on some clothes, ask my wife to cook me a scrambled egg (she was cooking eggs for the children) and grab a glass of Super Food drink.

Run run run!!

That 20 minutes in bed really put me behind for the day, and I was running late. 

I ran out of the house to put my briefcase and assorted stuff in my big Dodge Ram Charger Power Wagon.  It's big, guzzles gas and feels like an IV of pure testosterone when I'm driving it down the road, or off the road for that matter.  Folks stay out of the way when they see it coming!  lol

When I run back into the house to grab a few more things I hear a little voice from the other room say, "Da Da".  

"I'll be out to kiss you in a minute, Bamber." (Bamber is short for Baby Amber)

"Da Da's getting ready to go to work baby," I hear the Beautiful Mrs. Farnell say to our daughter.  Then I hear her say to me, "She wants you to sit with her for a minute, sweetie."

Then the kicker, Bamber says in a sad voice, "Da Da go bye bye?"

And the whole world stopped!

There was nothing in the world in that moment but me and my children.  

I sat with that little girl, and my older daughter jumped in my lap. And for 5 minutes all was right with the world.  

Yes, Yes, I know world, but the emergency is going to have to wait.  My daughters want their daddy!

No, it's not the most efficient use of that 5 minutes this morning, but it was the highest and best use of that time...period.

Sometimes, you just gotta STOP for a few minutes and enjoy the world...and reinforce someone's belief about how wonderful the world can be.  If you're not taking a few minutes and "smelling the roses" every now and again you'll just run yourself out.  

So yeah, I was running 5 minutes later, but my baby girls know their daddy loves 'em.  

That's the difference between success and significance  

To your successful
Everte Farnell

PS. If you'd like to see a picture from this morning go check out my Facebook Wall.  While you're there make a point of friending, liking, subscribing or whatever your supposed to do to stay up to date.

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