The Prince and the Princess – Marketing Lessons From Children

I'll tell ya, boys and girls are different. I don't mean different in the obvious ways. If you have a son and daughter you know what I mean.

My daughter loves movies about princesses, where a prince comes and saves the princess from a dragon, an evil witch, or a wizard, or releases the princess from an evil king or queen.

For those of you crinkling your nose at the outdated stereotypes, remember my kids aren't old enough to understand the politically correct view. This is what's in their DNA, it would seem. It's an important thing to remember when marketing!!

My son, on the other hand, loves to watch movies about a prince who sets off on a long journey to go rescue a princess from a dragon, an evil witch, or a wizard, or releases a princess from an evil king or queen.

In case you missed it, they're watching the same movie. The difference is, my son is jumping around with his “sword” (ie. anything that could remotely look like a sword) and my daughter is watching dreamy eyed as the prince saves the day.

There are 2 important lessons in this observation. The first one is, you have to connect with your market. If you tried to connect with my son by talking about how “dreamy” the prince is, he'd run, not walk, away as quickly as he could.

On the other hand, talk about high adventure and how strong and tough the prince is, and you'd've lost Morgan in a heartbeat.

You have to speak the language your market wants to hear! Write to your customers, and don't worry about anyone else.

The other lesson is how much difference there can be in the way different people see the same thing. One person sees a flower, another a weed. The question is, how is your prospect gonna see your ad?

You know, now that I think about it, there's a third lesson. I mentioned it earlier and I want to highlight it now. We are pre-programmed, either by conditioning or by genetics, with certain ideas about the world. These ideas, or archetypes, have been written about for years in psychological texts. The more you can capture them, the more you speak to the unconscious mind of your prospect. It's like having a door directly to their buying mechanism. Hmmm….

Do you think having that kind of access to the prospects unconscious mind might be worth a few bucks?


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