How to Lose $60K in a Day!

Cornbread Red was a legendary one pocket player and a road hustler extraordinaire!  When people used to come into the Rack and Cue in Detroit and want to gamble on a pool game, no matter how much they said they wanted to play for, Red's standard answer was, "We don't play for peanuts around here!"

Didn't matter if they said $1000 a game or $100,000 a game..."We don't play for Peanuts around here!"

He wanted to have them out of they comfort zone when they were playing...he wanted them nervous about the amount of money up for grabs, while Red was cool as a cucumber because he had backers, or stake horses, so it wasn't his money he was playing with.

Red was one of the best gamblers in the country...and understand I don't mean he was a great pool hustler, which he was, I mean he was a great gambler.  

For example, Cornbread was down and out on a trip to Vegas one time.  He was with another hustler who had a good day at the tables.  Red put the pinch on him for some money he could do something with, and the other hustler gave him $2k.

48 hours later, Red showed up at the other guys door with 120,000 big ones!  He had a run on the craps table and turned the $2K in $120k in 2 days!

The other hustler's cut...$60k!  

The end of the story isn't nearly as nice as the beginning, though.

A few days later Red was back at the Cue and some road hustler walked in saying how he wanted to play some one pocket for $20K a game.

Red ran home, got his $60K and got down with the guy....3 games later Red was broke and the road hustler left with $60K more than he walked in with!

Seems to me, based on the stories I hear about Red, he did a lot better with other peoples money than he did with his own.

Too many business owners do the same thing, they get a flood of business or get some extra money in the door and run out to buy a new car or a motorcycle or something else. 

When I start working with an entrepreneur the first thing I do is figure out how to start a cash flow surge.  Then I design a plan to use that money to increase the lead flow and the closing rate.  From there it's the average ticket price and lifetime value of the customer.  

Point is, we don't use the increase in cash flow to buy a car...we invest it in money making systems the business can use.

And that's the way you increase sales by 100%, 200%, and even 300% in year over year figures.

To your success!

PS. You might notice, you now have a part of my formula for creating huge sales increases.  Why would I give it to you in a FREE blog post?  Because I know you'll find it valuable and I want you to find value AND entertainment in these posts. I also know you're aware I'm not gonna give away everything I I figure it's more likely you'll fax me to get a consult if you see some value given FREE!  (941-761-5167)

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